intense sensations

More intimate than the internet

Posted on: December 25, 2012

phoenix risingThis month I made an astounding discovery. All those WordPress blogs I’d followed throughout the year hadn’t fallen silent. WordPress had simply changed something so the default setting when I followed them was not to send me any updates by email. So those bloggers had been busy all year and I didn’t know. Instead I have been reading the words of just a few old friends.

Well, old friends are important and I don’t feel deprived. But I think this illustrates how hard it is to use social media when you are, at the same time, trying to write.

You might think I’ve not written much this year. When I look back I see I have published only a few short stories. But I’ve been writing constantly and hardly had time to so much as look on Facebook, which has a different layout and a different set of security features whenever I do.

Even without the handicapping hindrances of social media, the fruits of my work may still not appear next year. My two novels are progressing quite slowly and need quite a bit more loving yet. And it seems to me that it’s not very cost-effective to write novels when they are offered at $0.99 or $2.99. I just can’t seem to make the economics of it work for me, after tax and incidental costs are accounted for.

So it is with breathless admiration that I pick up a well-written book by a contemporary writer and immerse myself in its extraordinary depths. How do writers do it? Aren’t they amazing? Much more intimate than the internet, a novel is like a warm hug from someone you thought was a stranger but who turns out to be someone you have known and loved all your life.

So I have been immersing myself in books this Christmas and in the New Year I’ll be sharing some of them with you.

I was going to tease you with some tantalising titles and some links to titillating blogs. But I think I have over-reached myself and I’m going on too long. In fact, I’m desperate to curl up (and stretch out) with a fabulous Italian novel, that ought to make me want to slash my wrists but instead makes me want to listen to Björk and mop the kitchen floor with ripped up pages of Twilight.

Oh, the joys of Literature with a capital L!

This novel and many more will be reviewed on my blog in 2013. See you then, I hope!

And merry Christmas to all of you!

Kiss, kiss!

Vanessa Wu

6 Responses to "More intimate than the internet"

Merry Christmas to you, Vanessa!

Thanks. I enjoyed your oral sex tips.

Merry Xmas, Vanessa – hope u make great progress with your novels in 2013.



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Thanks, Tim. — Oops, you’ve just caught me mid-procrastination. Ticking off numbers 1-11 and 19 on your list. Haven’t got to 13 yet. Still a bit sore from yesterday.

Thank you for the reviews of 2012 I found and find them truly inspiring and entertaining. Two of your books read looking forward to the next. Love the picture of the tatood girl. Wishing you all you wish yourself for 2013. Happy Christmas

Thank you, Richard. I try to make it easy for you by keeping my books and my reviews short and sweet. The tattooed girl is lovely, isn’t she. That’s a phoenix rising from the ashes, like the WordPress blogs I’ve re-activated in my inbox.

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